Evaluate TRUTH

UNVEIL TRUTH & Make Sense Of The World Around You

Spend 3 days venturing into Athens, examining the nature of truth, searching for her true character and identity. In this seminar, we combine Dialectic Games with Photography to challenge your reasoning and how you evaluate the truth of your understanding of yourself and others. Exploring Athens’ truth, you trace the thread that brings her seemingly capricious pieces together. Befriend the process of awareness, inspection, and understanding so that once you go home, you can start seeing the truths of your own everyday reality, whether business or personal.

This experiential seminar is tailored to personal and professional objectives.

This seminar aims to guide you in understanding and evaluating the truth. How you explore issues, evaluate information, analyse and criticise opinions, solutions and ideas given to you as truths. How you tell the truth and appreciate the truth told by others. Understanding truth is the basis of wise thinking and essential in developing trust in yourself and those around you. This experiential seminar shows you how reasoning empowers your understanding of truth. You recognise the power of understanding the true meaning of things, creating a clear and holistic sense of what is important to you while disregarding bias and conflicting ideas that may cloud your thinking.

Under the guidance of a Sophia’s Best Mentor, you gain insight on:

  • how truth is defined – is there one or multiple truths
  • the different aspects of truth
  • understanding the difference between what is true, real, and actual
  • personal environment
  • “reality” and culture
  • opinions and experience
  • “evidence”
  • the significance of meaning
  • how you remove personal or other bias
  • how you resolve contradictory information
  • how you go beyond eloquent words and images
  • how you recognise true meaning
  • how you understand cause

Understanding the truth of things is fundamental to developing your personal wisdom. It is like polishing a lens, bringing life’s details into sharp focus and revealing the true meaning of things with clarity. This clear vision empowers you to navigate life’s complexities confidently and appreciate the journey with a deeper sense of purpose and understanding.


We do not know a truth without knowing its cause.


Throughout the three days, you travel from first impressions and immediate perceptions to deeper meanings and clearer conclusions. Under the guidance of a Sophia’s Best mentor, you learn to evaluate “facts,” opinions, and “reality,” questioning the truth of your perceptions and interpretations of them. You examine “why” and reason through the causes of your understanding until the truth is revealed unbiased and clear.

Sophia’s Best Dialectic Games playfully engage you in the thinking processes of revealing underlying meanings, resolving contradictions and synthesising the wholistic, unquestionable story of truth. 

You colour your time with dialogues and conversations, trying to peel off the surface and piece together the entire mosaic of truth that may be discovered in Athens.

We spend every day and evening together. As such, every moment is organised in detail and provided for in full, from activities to food and beverages. We’ve ensured your appetite (intellectually, emotionally and gastronomically) is well taken care of.

Photography will be the way you capture your observations of the city in your efforts to understand and uncover its truth. A Sophia’s Best Mentor will direct your investigative path and guide your collection of photographic clues. We don’t expect artistic skill, just simple photographs as records of what you notice in the day. With eyes and minds open, you find the symbols and images representing the city and its people. Narrow streets tie together markets and coffee shops, nights laced with swirls of cigarette smoke and the liberties of sober dancing, whilst ancient ruins are the stars which guide you in the sea of city buildings. You zoom in and out, put pictures together and peel back the pixels to understand the real meaning behind the moments you capture. 

You venture into long investigative walks, tracing the interlacing levels of meaning the city offers. You walk through the centre’s neighbourhoods to witness the co-existence of antitheses and contraries only to unveil their underlying similarities. In the way Psiri’s small handcraft stores meet Kolonaki’s cosmopolitan shops, your footsteps connect ancient with modern, alternative with classic and casual with refined. You journey through the characteristics that distinguish each neighbourhood but also experience the untouchable qualities that unify them.

You walk the streets less travelled by and find the neighbourhoods where locals hide. Following the lead of Local Mentors, you melt in their plateias (squares, “πλατεία”) to experience their human connection and slowly slurp their bitter coffee to sip away your day’s emotions as they do. Always peering behind the story, connecting to Athenians’ real feelings, discovering their source of inspiration, the meaning of their happiness, and coming closer to discovering their truth. Questioning if the truth you discover is representative of the truth locals experience. Or does your personal library of meanings change the truth you perceive?

From little old sweet shops to young contemporary restaurants, you ignite your wonder and humour yourself in dialectics and open conversation. Cluttered with food and wine or dessert and coffee, your table is the perfect arena to let your mind and reasoning run free. You argue, discuss and analyse your understanding of Athens. How did you construct your ideas and conclusions about the city’s character? How well did your symbols and images reflect reality? What is the relationship between the things you observe? How do they interact in creating meaning? 

All snacks and meals are authentically Greek and made with local, organic produce. Local beverages, including wine, will accompany our discussions and meals.

The seminar is conducted in English or Greek.

This experiential seminar unfolds for three full days at your convenience. Extending the duration would be beneficial, providing more time to grasp the intricacies of truth.

The seminar takes place in Athens. Athens is an amalgamation of contradictions, where ancient outlive modern, chaos finds order and neighbourhoods live two lives in a day because sunsets turn cafes into bars. Where calm is met with zeal, and the simplicity of a conversation inspires the complexity of passions.  A place where people cry and laugh in a single breath. It’s up to you to discover the truth that threads its pieces together.

If you have more time available, take the opportunity to experience this seminar in central Peloponnese. Central Peloponnese has striking diversity, with rugged mountains, fertile valleys, and pristine coastlines. This region embodies antithesis and contradiction, blending the tranquillity of rural villages with the dynamic energy of bustling towns, offering a captivating example of the multifaceted nature of truth. 

Two participants are the minimum number for this seminar.

However, we encourage the participation of more people because learning is more constructive in the company of friends.

We look forward to discussing and deciding the accommodation and transportation arrangements for the three-day seminar together. Your preferences and feedback are essential to meet your needs and expectations for a comfortable event experience.


INVIGORATE YOUR Way of Thinking WITH OUR Experiential Seminars

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We will tailor it to your personal or business needs.

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Resolve Conflict

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Evaluate Truth

Spend 3 days venturing into Athens, examining the nature of truth, searching for her true character and identity.

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