Category: Seminars


Evaluate Truth

Spend 3 days venturing into Athens, examining the nature of truth, searching for her true character and identity.

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Unlock Meaningful Communication

This two-day experiential seminar, in Athens, aims to help you explore how to communicate and interpret meaning so you can make genuine connections with yourself and others. 

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See The Value in Your Experiences

Join our four-day experiential seminar and learn to recognise the “clues” in your experiences that unveil your qualities and develop the reasoning to interpret them in a meaningful way.

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Resolve Conflict

Join our five-day experiential seminar and sharpen your ability to resolve problems and tackle life’s challenges in an empowering way.

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Make Wise Choices

Join us for a five-day experiential seminar and cultivate your reasoning in making meaningful choices that provide opportunities for personal growth.

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Find Your Voice

Immerse yourself in a five-day experiential seminar that guides you in finding your voice and expressing yourself confidently and genuinely.

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Find Your Balance

Join our five-day seminar and learn to exercise wise thinking to achieve personal balance. Discover how to gain inner balance and confidence by learning to apply yourself effectively in fulfilling your true needs.

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Evaluate the Origin Of Your Ideas

Immerse yourself in our five-day experiential seminar and learn how to practice wise thinking when you adopt and develop the ideas that guide your choices. Ideas influence your perceptions of yourself and your reality.

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Join our Team

JOIN OUR TEAM ALIGN YOURSELF WITH OUR Unwavering Commitment TO UNLOCKING Human Potential  GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO Develop Skills IN IMPLEMENTINGS Ideas & Exploring NEW METHOS OF REPRESENTATION IN ALL FIELDS OF Anthropocentric Thought. In so doing, you will be part of a community that shares and exchanges ideas, generates fresh concepts, and participates in

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