Join our five-day seminar and learn to exercise wise thinking to achieve personal balance. Discover how to gain inner balance...Read More >
SEE The Value IN YOUR Experiences
Your Experiences ARE A Treasure TROVE OF Behaviours & Emotions
They are “clues” to your genuine personality (even the personalities in your office). Join our four-day experiential seminar and learn to recognise the “clues” in your experiences that unveil your qualities and develop the reasoning to interpret them in a meaningful way. In this seminar, Dialectic Games are enriched by Nature’s Wisdom to show you how when you understand and appreciate your true qualities, you bring out your best and realise your true potential.
This program can be tailored to personal and business objectives.
In this inspiring seminar, we aim to guide you in developing your personal wisdom to learn from your experiences so you can recognise your true qualities and your authentic self; in either personal or business spheres. When you examine your experiences, you observe yourself in action: how you perceive situations, how you behave in meeting expectations, how you feel in response to their impact, and how you apply yourself in meeting your needs. Our expert mentor will show you how to exercise your reasoning like a well-designed, personalised autocorrect system that allows you to evolve by continually aligning your qualities to your actions and, therefore, your feelings and needs.
Under the guidance of a Sophia’s Best Mentor, you explore a set of different situations and delve into feelings and behaviours, looking at how you experience, define and interpret them in reaching conclusions about yourself and others.
- how you define the purpose of your actions
- how you define the feelings that brought them about
- how they impact your sense of self
- how your interpretations could improve
- how you define your feelings
- how you define the origin of these feelings
- how you experience the effect of these feelings
- how they impact your sense of self
- how they impact your behaviours
- how your interpretations could improve
- how aligned are your feelings to your behaviours and your behaviours to your feelings
- how your feelings and behaviours are aligned with your needs
- what influences your interpretations
- how they reveal your true needs
- how knowing yourself gives direction to both your feelings and behaviours in covering your true needs
Understand the meaning of your experiences and discover yourself in your path to personal growth.
Be it Personal or Business.
The most important relationship we can all have is the one you have with yourself, the most important journey you can take is one of self-discovery.
Our Mentor helps you peel back the layers of your experiences to uncover the purpose of your actions and untangle your emotions so you discover what fuels your passions and what needs you try to fulfil. Finding meaning is about going beyond the surface-level understanding of your experiences to identify the underlying reasons that bring them about. Our expert Mentor helps you achieve this by showing you how to sharpen your thinking and ability to differentiate between the tangible aspects of your experiences (the objects, actions, and behaviours) and their intangible counterparts (feelings, needs, and purpose). Wise thinking leads to a truthful understanding of yourself, making informed choices and taking meaningful action to fulfil your needs.
In this seminar’s Dialect Games, we explore four types of experiences whether they occur in your personal or professional spheres, along with their respective feelings and behaviours. We define their nature and significance in influencing your sense of being and authenticity. Although we won’t disclose the experiences yet, you will discover that feelings and needs are similar regardless of the environment in which they arise, whether personal or professional. For now, they will remain a pleasant surprise.
Explore your experiences, recognise the qualities that define the real you and claim your potential.
Nature’s Wisdom
We have chosen “nature” as an illustrative vehicle for this seminar because it effectively shows you how recognising qualities is fundamental to producing high-value results. Your qualities define your potential but are also the means through which you fulfil it at your best.
For these four days, nature acts as an example of authenticity. You spend the days venturing into local vineyards and groves to get close to nature’s fundamental qualities and her fruits’ individual characteristics to discover how meaning is cultivated. Here, you will explore how to find value and meaning by cultivating true to character, be it in the growth of grapes or yourself.
Local experts unveil the truth behind fine-tasting wine, nutritious olive oil, and juicy citrus fruits. The locals’ knowledge, skill, and practice of their craft exemplify how remaining natural and real allows you to reach your fullest potential. Under their meticulous gaze and guidance, you experiment with the infinite potentials that nature provides if we respect the truths that define her character. You walk between grape vines and discover the real reason for the wine’s aroma, the culprit behind its mischievous taste.
You explore olive oil mills and uncover how authentic olives develop into authentic virgin olive oil. You press your palm into the ridges of orange peels and learn how something sweet may develop into something sour and bitter into something savoury. You taste all the qualities that bring them flavour, all the real inner characteristics that give them value and make them meaningful. Growth is a creative process whose evolution needs to mirror the realness of its origin. This wisdom persists from the zest found in the pore of an orange peel as it turns into marmalade or the content of your character as it sculpts into the experiences that make up who you are.
You not only uncover the realness of ingredients but play in their potential: you roll up your sleeves and cook. Be it in the authenticity of a vineyard farmhouse or a taverna’s courtyard, you bring together produce with the help and guidance of Local Experts. Cooking is a form of transformation; a good cook transforms with knowledge of their natural produce. For them, a meal isn’t a chaotic mix of vegetables, meats and herbs but a specific collaboration of individual ingredients. Each ingredient is organic and treated true to its nature, offering a distinct taste in the dish.
All meals are authentically Greek and made with local, organic produce. Local beverages, including wine, will accompany our discussions and meals.
The seminar is conducted in English or Greek.
The experience unfolds for four days.
However, the duration of the seminar can be extended to align with your objectives more accurately. The longer you allow yourself to explore your experiences, the better you realise how wise thinking enables you to develop your qualities into an empowered sense of self.
We have picked Aigialeia in the heart of the Peloponnese because nature spills from the seams there. This land and its locals will allow you to witness and experience what it means to explore the real you and discover the truth of your nature.
This seminar requires a minimum of two participants. However, having more than two participants can be beneficial as it allows for different interpretations to be compared and illustrated.
We look forward to discussing and deciding the accommodation and transportation arrangements for the four-day seminar together. Your preferences and feedback are essential to meet your needs and expectations for a comfortable event experience.
INVIGORATE YOUR Way of Thinking WITH OUR Experiential Seminars
Pick from the selection below and contact us!
We will tailor it to your personal or business needs.
Immerse yourself in a five-day experiential seminar that guides you in finding your voice and expressing yourself confidently and genuinely.
Join us for a five-day experiential seminar and cultivate your reasoning in making meaningful choices that provide opportunities for personal...Read More >
Join our five-day experiential seminar and sharpen your ability to resolve problems and tackle life’s challenges in an empowering way.
Join our four-day experiential seminar and learn to recognise the “clues” in your experiences that unveil your qualities and develop...Read More >
Join our five-day experiential seminar and empower yourself to fulfil your needs by taking purposeful actions.
This two-day experiential seminar, in Athens, aims to help you explore how to communicate and interpret meaning so you can...Read More >
Spend 3 days venturing into Athens, examining the nature of truth, searching for her true character and identity.